Firebird student artwork
Ahead of our 2016 Youth Concerts exploring Stravinsky’s Firebird, elementary school students from across the region augmented their musical studies of the ballet suite with a special art project. Check out some of the highlights from the hundreds of beautiful creations sent to us by Cedar Valley schools. The artworks - many of which were featured on-screen alongside our performance at the Youth Concerts - are by 4th and 5th graders from Blessed Sacrament, Becker, Fairbank, Hudson, Kingsley, Lenihan, Lowell, Orange, St. Pat’s, and Readlyn elementaries in northern Iowa.
Thank you to the four thousand students and educators who participated in our Youth Concert activities this year, and to the Max and Helen Guernsey Charitable Foundation, McElroy Trust, Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa, contributors in memory of Lorene L. Rohlf, and Friends of wcfsymphony for supporting our efforts to offer these unforgettable experiences to so many young people!